5 keys to evangelism at Christmas

Nov 23, 2016

One of my favourite parts of the Christmas story in Luke 2 is the shepherds. I love that the first people to be told about the coming of Jesus weren’t the religious elite or kings and rulers, but were instead common shepherds: ordinary working-class people.


When Jesus describes himself as a shepherd throughout the gospels, I think back to the first people who visited him as he lay in the manger.


The shepherds were also the first evangelists, taking the good news that was told to them by the angels and that they witnessed with their own eyes and telling everyone they met, beginning the task of spreading this good news that would, as the angel said, bring great joy to all people.


Just as the shepherds spread the good news at the beginning of Jesus’s life on earth, he commissioned his followers to spread the good news at the end of it, telling his disciples, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations.”


Christmas offers a unique opportunity to share the good news, but it can be difficult to know where to start. Here are 5 keys to sharing your faith during the Christmas season.

Prime with Prayer

Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the desert before beginning his ministry. He also took time away from the crowds to pray throughout his ministry (Luke 5:16). We can follow his example by first talking with God before stepping out into the world this Christmas.


Be intentional with your prayers, asking God to give you opportunities to share your faith with friends, family, neighbours, or even strangers.


Think of specific people in your life and pray that God would bring them closer to Himself this Christmas. Pray for wisdom and discernment for yourself in knowing how best to speak to and serve them.

Start with Service

Again we follow Christ’s example: he healed the sick, fed the hungry, and gave hope to the broken. He didn’t just preach a message, but met physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.


It can be easy to forget amidst all the Christmas cheer that many people are truly hurting at this time of year, whether visibly or beneath the surface. Consider how you can love the people around you and help meet their needs this Christmas.


That can take many forms, whether volunteering with an organization that helps the homeless, or visiting your neighbours with some fresh baking and a willingness to help them shovel their driveway.


It’s a lot easier to believe that Jesus loves you when one of His followers has shown that love to you.

Be Open to Opportunities

You don’t have to go far to find Jesus at Christmas, so opportunities to share your faith can come up at almost any time. A spiritual conversation can stem from a simple question — asking how someone is planning to celebrate Christmas, for example — or something entirely unexpected.


A friend, family member, or neighbour who has previously shown no interest in church may be open to attending a Christmas Eve service. They may just be waiting for an invitation.


If you watch Christmas specials with your family, a conversation could be sparked by Linus reciting Luke 2:8-14 in A Charlie Brown Christmas, as he lays aside his security blanket to share the true meaning of Christmas.


Just be ready to listen, ask questions, and find out where they are coming from.

Move Beyond the Manger

So much of the focus at Christmas time is on the baby Jesus, lying in a manger.


That’s a great starting point for the gospel, but it’s important that the conversation doesn’t stop there. People need to know who He is, why He came, what He accomplished on the cross, and how they can follow Him.

Give it to God

Here’s some more good news about the good news: it’s not all up to you.


It can be easy to feel discouraged when it comes to evangelism. All our efforts can seem fruitless at times. But, the Bible is clear on this: we can’t save people. That’s up to God.


We are called to share the gospel and make disciples, but there’s something that comes in between those two things that is entirely up to God: the act of salvation.


It’s also important to know when to step back. Some people won’t be interested in engaging in a spiritual conversation at Christmas. It could be because of the hectic nature of the season or they could be tired of being bombarded by holiday messages and the good news gets lost in all the noise.


But by taking the time to serve and love someone at Christmas, a seed can be planted. We might not even be the ones that see that seed grow, but God is in control and can do amazing things, things that we can’t even begin to imagine.


This doesn’t mean that we share the gospel once and give up. This doesn’t mean that once Christmas is over we go back to living in a Christian bubble, far removed from those who need Jesus. We must continue to serve those around us all year, building relationships, and both living and preaching the gospel.


Evangelism shouldn’t stop at Christmas.



Unsure of how to start sharing the gospel? Check out our free resources.



Want to see how Power to Change is inviting people to know Jesus and experience His power to change? Visit our Christmas site at p2c.com/christmas.


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About the Author

Daniel Wagner

Daniel Wagner

I am the Digital Marketing Content Specialist at Power to Change, which means I write and share things on the internet. I am passionate about Jesus and my family first and foremost, but also comic books, punk rock, movies, and hockey. I eat too much candy, drink too much cola, and watch too much TV, but I'm trying to change.