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2020 Impact Report

/2020 Impact Report
2020 Impact Report2021-04-20T10:22:42-07:00
Use Every Word

Use Every Word

Long before the COVID-19 pandemic, immigrants, widows, addicts, inmates, seniors, and those living in inner-city neighbourhoods were in desperate need of connection and love. Connecting Streams’ volunteers encouraged these vulnerable men, women, and...

Where have you been all my life?

Where have you been all my life?

A global pandemic has a way of putting things into perspective. In student ministry, the lockdowns and restrictions of 2020 highlighted the importance of developing deep roots of faith through healthy spiritual rhythms and building strong connections...

Closer to Home

Closer to Home

The COVID-19 pandemic required marketplace leaders from every industry to make life-altering decisions. Many leaders had to lay off valued employees and make swift changes to business operations and safety protocols. Online LeaderImpact groups provided...

Conversations of Hope

Conversations of Hope

Isolated and disconnected from family and friends, billions of people around the world sought community online in 2020. When fear and discord were rife, Power to Change Digital Strategies shared the message of Jesus Christ through engaging stories and...

Believer vs. Follower

Believer vs. Follower

The 2020 global pandemic was like stepping onto a new playing field for Athletes in Action (AIA). Despite challenges, AIA helped athletes and coaches navigate adversity and turn their attention to the true source of hope, Jesus Christ. The gospel...

“This is an important season for Power to Change to share the love of Christ with people. We are offering hope. Hope through good deeds and hope through sharing the gospel.”

– Peter Chung, P2C Donor

Reservoir of Hope

Reservoir of Hope

In 2020, political leaders shouldered immense responsibility, making decisions that impacted every moment of daily life around the world. Through prayer and one-on-one engagement, the Christian Embassy encouraged leaders of faith to rise up and lead...

Like & Subscribe

Like & Subscribe

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, a night of fruitful ministry for DRIME used to include embraces, heads bowed together in prayer, and dozens of people gathered to watch the gospel story unfold through choreographed street drama. No longer able to meet in...

Confessions from Lockdown

Confessions from Lockdown

“COVID ended our marriage” is a phrase you don’t have to look too hard to find. Whether it was the stress or the way a 24/7 relationship highlighted problems and surfaced old hurts, many couples didn’t make it through 2020 intact. In this season of...

Take Heart

Take Heart

Centred around hospitality and large gatherings, Women’s Heart-Engaging Network (WHEN) had to make swift changes to its ministry at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic. WHEN staff and volunteers worked alongside local churches to host eight virtual...

Hope in Action

Hope in Action

The impact of COVID-19 has been devastating for vulnerable populations around the world. Those living in poverty experienced high rates of infection, death, and overwhelming economic losses. The virus reached every one of the 11 countries where Global...