I want to know the imagination
that gave birth to constellations
Eyes that foresaw the universe’s formation
That spoke creation
into reality
The hands that fine-tuned the gravity
of every planet
in every galaxy
That painted the cosmos
with stars too far
for the human eye to see
That set free
every neural pathway
at the heart of human ingenuity
I want to know
the one who took great care
to number every hair
on the human head
Who invited his children to rule in his stead
in the image of one who wed
absolute power with immeasurable kindness
I want to know the one
who embeds divine fingerprints
within every
gorgeous grassland
harmonious horizon
inventive iceberg
and resilient rainforest
All of these
biological binoculars
tropical telescopes
Tools meant for us to look through
Yet more often we look to them
to be you
to do you
Far too often we’re satisfied with a view
so small and insufficient
marvelling at the instrument
not the never-ending
kaleidoscope of the Creator’s celestial creativity
If we only knew
the creation we’re looking to
longs like we do
longs for you
longs for you
to return
to restore
to clear all residue
the decay we’re so used to
Until then
all we can do is camp
camp at the crossroads of your character
swim in the currents of your call
the one who’s always caring
rather than our consuming
using and abusing
The one who has renewed and is renewing
and our perspective
Seeing creation
as an invitation
to behold your glory
And to care for it
to showcase your character
and your story
[Editor’s Note: When God created the world, he saw that “it was good.” In this celebrate creation series, we want to explore how our faith in Jesus helps us celebrate and enjoy what’s good in creation––but also work as stewards to help it thrive to its fullest potential.
Caring for our planet, including plants and animals, fungi and microbes, ecosystems and people, is a high calling from God––a calling in which we can engage out of love and not fear. The gospel gives us hope that what is broken can be restored, and even now, we can enjoy what has been given to us.
Join us as we #celebratecreation.]
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