To you, the woman who…
To you, the woman who is shattering glass ceilings by being a doctor or scientist or engineer or politician or (insert your own answer here). I’m here cheering you on with a sledgehammer in hand, ready to help you shatter more glass. I hope that you, just like Queen Esther, continue breaking cultural and societal norms, as you step up and show just how courageous and strong God made you to be. For such a time as this, because our world needs women like you.
To you, the woman who’s been struggling mentally, with anxiety, with depression–we see you. We celebrate with you whatever victory you accomplished today, however small it may seem. Getting out of bed. Wearing something other than pajamas. Running an errand to the store. Making a proper meal. If you quiet yourself, maybe you’ll hear our cheers, because honestly, well done. I personally know how hard that can be and we’re so proud of you.
To you, the woman who is waiting. Whether it be for the dream job, to buy a house, to get married, to have kids, to get a cat (just me on that last one?), this middle ground of in-between is hard. We become impatient. We wonder, like Hagar, if God’s abandoned us, if he cares? But He does. He is El-Roi, the God who sees me, sees you (Genesis 16:13). He is Jehovah-Jireh, the God who provides (Genesis 24:14). It might not seem like he’s working, but just like how Sarah waited years for God to fulfill his promise to her for a son, I believe God will be faithful to you. It doesn’t mean we get exactly what we want. Sarah was the mother of many nations but only physically gave birth to Isaac, never seeing God’s fulfillment of the whole promise. So what does that mean, then? I believe that it means God will provide everything that we need, even when we doubt him. He sees you. He will provide. He will be faithful.
To you, the woman who has suffered abuse, physical, emotional, or sexual. I don’t have enough words to express how sorry I am. How badly I want to enter into your sphere to hear your story and share your pain. You are not alone in this story, and whether earthly justice has been served or not, God sees your pain and will serve justice one day for what you’ve experienced. I know it doesn’t seem fair or feel like enough, when really all we want is instant justice as you continue to feel the extended pain of wrongdoing against you. It’s tragic if the perpetrator seemingly gets to continue living with little consequence while your whole life feels forever altered. Know that you are not forgotten. God is a just God, and sees you and your pain. He has neither ignored nor forgotten the pain inflicted upon one of his daughters.
To you, the woman who feels the guilt and shame of poor decisions made. Who’s feeling the weight of past choices and wondering how you ended up here. God is the God of grace, and you are never too far gone. Just like the woman caught in adultery, Jesus turns to you with compassion instead of condemnation and says, “Go and sin no more” (John 8: 1-11).
To you, the woman who is mourning a loss, of any kind. I wish I could have you over for a cup of tea, or a cup of coffee, if you prefer. I’d sit and listen if you wanted, or we could simply sit in quiet and just be in each others’ presence, reminded that we’re not alone. You could cry if you wanted, I’d have a box of tissues ready. Sometimes that’s all we need, isn’t it? The chance to just be in another human’s presence, no words exchanged, so we’re reminded that we’re not alone.
To you, the woman who’s been told you’re not enough. Who’s been told you’re too quiet and don’t speak up enough. Who wonders if there is a place for you in this loud world. There is. We need you with your inquisitiveness and listening mind. We need you, the quiet soul that you are, to reflect God in a way that others need to see. Please don’t change. I hope you have courage to use your voice when you need to, but to never feel like you have to be more of someone you’re not (1 Peter 3:4).
To you, the woman, who has been told you’re too much. Who is too loud or too excitable. Who needs to quiet down and not be seen. Please don’t stop using your voice. Please don’t quiet down or become less of who you are because you’re “too loud.” Sure, we all have areas of growth we need to work on, but we need you and your voice. Especially to help us quiet ones come out of our shells. I hope God gives you discernment to know when to speak and when to listen, and to know how to continue to use your voice to glorify him.
To you, the woman who gives life. Whether through physical childbirth, adoption or simply loving and caring for the people God has entrusted into your care for this season of your life. Thank you for being faithful where he has placed you. Maybe it’s the place you’ve been dreaming of since you were a kid, or maybe this looks nothing like you imagined your life to be. Whether it’s feeding your baby, picking up your kids from school, or mentoring the youth at your church. Thank you for faithfully serving God. What you do matters, and it’s all helping to bring life into the world. We are all life-bearers after all, aren’t we, just like Eve.
To you, to me, the woman wondering if you have a place. We see throughout the Bible that God has a place for women in his kingdom. From Eve all the way past Jesus’ death, we see story after story of women who stepped up and loved God like no other. Who made sacrifices, who made mistakes, who worshipped, who were a part of the early church, who preached and shared the gospel. Women have played an integral role in God’s story.
You have an integral place in God’s story.
Like the women who came before us.
May we be available for how God might use us.
May we rely and trust the Holy Spirit to guide us.
May we repent and humble ourselves before our Heavenly Father.
May we be women of faith, so that on that glorious day, Jesus will say to you and to me, “Well done my good and faithful servants.”
With love,
From one woman to another.
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