Now I see blown up anger,

fill once COVID-emptied streets.

Pain unrestrained and grief,

throwing down vengeance beats.

Police, baton, gun, and shield,

fail to give peace and order.

My heart grieves and mourns,

for friends south-of-border.

Chaos disturbs the quiet night,

as arson’s fires brightly burn.

Opportunists loot and smash,

and in my heart a rising spurn:

I hate these strong emotions,

all messing with my normal.

But could this be intervention,

God speaking loud, informal? 

“Awake comfy sleeping one,

with white privileged power.

Admit your riotous, racist heart –

come dismantle your ivory tower!”

“O stubborn Pharaoh hear, 

the voice of all oppressed.

Stir up your compassion,

and lift up those distressed.”

I fear to think if nothing’s done,

what plagues we yet await. 

A world of chaos and demise?

doomsday clock? a midnight fate?

A better question comes to mind,

What is there that I can do?

May I boldly share what I have,

to become a love that’s true.

Lord help me give my life away,

but rest my justice hope in you.

Let me listen, believe your words, 

and trust your long term view:

Of a glorious future not yet seen,

washed—cleansed of graffiti-guilt!

Jesus reigning on his throne,

over streets calm, by love rebuilt.

I long to live in that harmony,

But now courage in the storm.

So I pray to God my Father,

“Restrain injustice in every form!”

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About the Author

Corey Porter

Corey Porter writes creative content for university students on multiple digital domains. His voice has been tempered by twenty four years of ministry experience, both as student and staff. His personal life is kept full serving his wife Peggy and three children in Vancouver. He enjoys sport, art and collectibles.

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