We welcome you to join our international student communities across Canada! We desire to share the love of Jesus through serving international students practically, relationally and spiritually. We want to be a home away from home; a place that provides welcome, care, friendship, family, fun, food, and support for you while you’re in Canada.
Are you an international student? You are welcome to join us!
Are you a Canadian student? You are welcome too! Please join us in welcoming students from all over the world to Canada and making them feel at home here!
For more information about the community on your campus connect with us below.
If you would like to volunteer or help start an international student community on your campus, please contact us.
Sheridan College
Email: desmond.watts@p2c.com
Carleton University
Email: carletoninternationalstudents@gmail.com
Western University, Fanshawe College
Email: esther.yau@p2c.com
Website: londoninternationalstudents.com
University of Calgary
Email: shawn.tomlinson@p2c.com
University of Guelph
Email: karen.ting@p2c.com
Website: guelphinternationalstudents.com
University of Ottawa
Email: gabe.mcreynolds@p2c.com
Website: friendsfordinner.ca
University of Saskatchewan
Email: bridgesusask@p2c.com
University of Toronto
Email: bridgesuoft@p2c.com
Website: torontointernationalstudents.com
Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia
Email: michael.weidman@p2c.com
Website: vancouverinternationalstudents.com