As an organization, Power to Change has had a long history of partnering with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), an organization founded by Ravi Zacharias. We are grieved to learn that the independent law firm, Miller & Martin PLLC, which was hired by RZIM, has “found significant and credible evidence that Mr. Zacharias engaged in sexual misconduct over the course of many years.” We are deeply saddened and grieve for the many victims of his sexual misconduct. Mr. Zacharias is no longer with us, having passed away on May 19, 2020, but his victims are still present, and we are filled with concern for them. We lament the ways in which we have held Ravi Zacharias on a pedestal, which may have inadvertently contributed to his ability to live such a dual life. 

The report gives us pause for thought and examination—exalting people takes the focus off Jesus Christ and provides space for enablement of abusive behaviour. Our hearts are broken in learning of the pain experienced by the victims of sexual abuse and the spiritual manipulation that was part of the abuse. As Christians, we must stand against such actions by Christians, especially those in leadership positions. God has not called us to be impure, but to live a holy life (1 Thess. 4:7).


The National Leadership Team of Power to Change – Students

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