How to Study the Bible
- Six Questions to Ask When You Read the Bible
- Allison’s Pick: Sometimes when I’m reading the Bible it’s easy to see what God is saying; other times, I struggle to interact with the text in a meaningful way. I’ve found these questions helpful in engaging with Scripture deeply, even when I’m struggling to connect. I’ve worked through passages using these questions together with those I disciple and we’ve had some really meaningful times together in God’s Word that way.
- The Inductive Bible Study Method
- The inductive Bible study method, or IBS, is a tried-and-true way of engaging deeply with Scripture and learning to read it well and understand God’s meaning in it. Study a passage with your disciple using this method for one of your meetings!
- How to Read the Bible videos
- George’s Pick: This series of videos from the Bible Project gives helpful context to the Bible, its various literary styles, and the basics we need to know to read it well.
The Reliability of the Bible
- Believing the Bible Questions & Answers
- has compiled a list of questions about the Bible here, and each link takes you to a concise answer to that specific concern. If your disciple has specific questions, you can look them up together and discuss, or you can encourage them to use this website as a resource themselves.
God’s Big Picture
- Hearing the Music of the Gospel article
- Allison’s Pick: When I first read this article as a university student, God really used it to transform my view of Scripture and my relationship with God and faith. Using the beautiful analogy of music helps us see more clearly the song God is singing in his Word.
- God’s Big Picture by Vaughan Roberts
- George’s Pick: More in-depth, but a great overview of the storyline of God’s plan throughout the Bible.
Going Deeper
- How to Read the Bible for All its Worth by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart
- George’s Pick: A classic, concise and helpful book to grow in understanding Scripture.
- The Bible on
- Another excellent resource for specific questions and answers about the Bible, from individual passages to overall historicity, and more.
- Searching for the Original Bible by Randall Price
- George’s Pick: This is a very in-depth look at the reliability of Scripture, but for those struggling with this idea it may be worth the longer read. Price offers a great deal of evidence for the reliability of the Bible.
- Biblical Fluency Discipleship Track
- This resource will help you think through how fluent in biblical understanding your disciple is and what some good next steps would be for them at any stage in their learning.