In our increasingly postmodern world, discipling students requires connecting not only with their intellect, but with their whole being. The Equipped Series: Loving and Serving Jesus for a Lifetime provides a small group experience to take you deeper in loving and serving Jesus.
** We are making the hard copy workbooks free for our P2C staff and students involved in any of our ministries across Canada. Please e-mail to request an order. (Note that we are out of My Story hard copies) Others may inquire as well. **
Click below to learn more about each workbook and find the leader’s guide
Let Pat and Suz explain the vision for these resources:
What are the desired outcomes?
Equipped studies have been designed to:
- engage both the head and the heart
- help develop a holistic understanding of each topic
- support confidence in theological understanding
- provide opportunities to think critically
- promote confidence in sharing one’s faith and story
How are the studies structured?
Each book is broken into 4 lessons, which take about an hour to an hour and a half to work through. A weekly campus group could reasonably do two books per semester and still have a few free weeks for other activities.
Every lesson includes an introductory activity, as well as opportunities for introspection and outward action. The books cover foundational aspects of faith that are core learning objectives for students involved in Power to Change. These books can stand alone or be studied in any order.
What resources are available for leaders?
In addition to the booklets, there are leader’s guides with instructions on leading the group. There are also related books in the “Great Books” section.
What if students come from difference backgrounds and have different levels of knowledge?
We recognize that students will be coming from different contexts. The Equipped series provides a consistent theology in a systematic way with a series of lessons that brings all students to the same theological baseline, while still challenging more knowledgeable students to think about the topic in new ways.