Here are some questions that you can use to help someone who is graduating university or college (the questions say ‘university’ but change it to ‘college’ if needed). It can be used one to one, but I’ve also found it works really well when used with a small group of 2 or 3 grads so they can help each other process. This is set up for a semester of discipleship. You can try to fit it in a shorter time period, but many of these questions take time to process. The grads who have used this in the past have commented on how the questions they were processing would come up in everyday life to help them think more about it.
Looking Back
- How have you changed for better or worse since your first year?
- What was the hardest part of transitioning to university?
- What advice do you have for your first year self about the transition to university?
- How might this next life transition be similar or different?
- What impact has your relationship with God made during your time in university?
- What help might you need in this time of transition? How will you get it?
Work/Co-op experience (If Applicable)
- What are some life lessons you have learned through co-op/summer jobs?
- What day to day things will be different when you are working full time compared to now?
- What do you need to fill your bucket after a long day/week at work? How will you plan to do this?
- What might being a disciple of Jesus look like in your line of work? (note: evangelism is included in being a disciple) How can you make sure you don’t become stagnant in your faith?
- Is there anyone that you can talk to that can help you get a sense of what it looks like to be a Christian in your field?
- If you were to rate yourself out of 10 on your level of financial responsibility what would it be? Why?
- What do you think it means to be a disciple of Jesus in your financial life?
- Matthew 6:24 – “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.
- Matthew 25: 14-32 – parable of the talents – what are you investing in?
- Mark 4:18-19 – And others are the ones sown among thorns. They are those who hear the word, 19 but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it proves unfruitful.
- Mark 12: 14-17 – Give to Ceasar what is Ceasars and to God what is Gods
- Mark 12: 41-44 – the widow’s offering – what does giving everything to Jesus look like in 2021?
- 1 Timothy 6:10 – For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.
- Hebrews 13:5-6 – Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 6 So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”
(a good place to break before next lesson)
- Would you rather take a million dollars today or a penny that double everyday for 30 days? (Ans: penny that doubles = $10.7 Million)
- What lessons have you learned about money from church or other christians?
- 3 big lessons I’ve learned about stewardship:
- Use percentages for budgeting
- If appropriate, live UNDER your means
- If possible, don’t borrow money with high interest (ie car loans, credit cards, “don’t pay until 20__”, Cash Advance type places)
- 3 big lessons I’ve learned about stewardship:
- What are the different expenses that you might have to pay after graduation that are not there now?
- Do you have a budget? If so, what does it look like? How often do you use it?
- What are the different categories that you need to budget for?
- Savings (at least 15%)
- Emergency fund ($1000 start then 3 months min)
- Future house downpayment
- RESP (future)
- High interest savings account
- Giving (at least 10%) – when you know what you have, you know what you can give when there is a need or if God is calling you to stretch
- Your church
- Other non-profits
- People in need (that you don’t get a tax receipt from)
- Housing (no more than 30%)
- rent/mortgage
- Utilities (water, hydro, gas, prop tax, cable, internet)
- Cell phone
- Food
- Insurance
- home/renters
- Car
- Life
- Debt
- School
- Car
- Other
- Any other categories you can think of?
- Savings (at least 15%)
- What do you need to do before you graduate to be prepared financially?
- What was your experience in trying to find a church?
- What do you enjoy about churches that you have attended?
- What might you look for if you are looking for a new church?
- Now rank those characteristics because no church will have a perfect level of these things
- How might the community in a church be different from the community in P2C?
- What are the benefits of it? What are the hardships?
- NOTE: It will take longer. Need to persevere. Need to take initiative.
Read Ephesians 4:11-13
- What type of ministry have you enjoyed serving in (in P2C or otherwise)?
- What gifts and talents has God given you?
- How can you use your passions, gifts and talents to serve in a local church?
- What might you have to do so you can serve? (suggested answer: take the initiative)
- Where do you want to give a special effort in making Christ known among those who aren’t Christians? (neighbourhood, adopt an unreached people group, family, sports team, etc)
- Matthew 28:19-20 applies to all believers well beyond the campus. Is there anyone in your church or elsewhere who you could ask to disciple you? Is there anyone you could invite to be discipled by you?
- How can you get involved in evangelism and discipleship in your church? If there isn’t much there, how could you help add more?
Spiritual Growth
- Looking back at your faith journey, what have been the times of spiritual growth?
- What can you do to be in an environment of trusting God instead of complacency?
- How do you respond in a season of spiritual desert?
- How have you responded in the past when questions or doubts come?
- What do you need to do before you graduate to be prepared spiritually?
There are many people who I served with in P2C who are no longer walking with Jesus. (sharing personal examples/experiences are very powerful here and will really bring the sobering reality of fighting for faith)
- What are some things that might cause you to slip away from Jesus?
- What are the red flags to look out for?
- What are some symptoms your faith might be in something else rather than Jesus?
- What do you look for stability in?
- What gives you fear/anxiety/anger/depression when taken away from you?
- Where do you look for acceptance?
- How do you know that ‘you’ve made it’?
- How do you define who you are?
Good Closure
- What are some of your favourite memories from your last 5 years?
- Who do you want to find closure with? How will you do it? Consider:
- People you will not connect with as much after you graduate
- People you want to thank
- People you need to resolve conflict with
- What is something you won’t get to do anymore? How will you recognize this?
- Is there anything you want to do ‘one last time’?
Giving examples from your own experience (or what you wish you did) might be helpful here if someone is stuck on how to create closure.
Celebrate together
- Go get a meal or drink together and share stories of their time at university.
- Share appreciation for each other.
- Pray for each other.
- Send them off well, this will be one of the last times that life will look like this with these people.