Power to Change (P2C) exists to help students take their next step towards Jesus. We long to help students experience the hope of the good news of Jesus. One of the ways that P2C does this is traditionally called discipleship – helping people grow as followers (disciples) of Jesus. Our desire is to embody the way of Jesus in our communities and as individuals. We asked some of our staff for their picks in terms of resources that can help to equip mentors to make disciples. In this section of our website are some of those resources. P2C does have some governing thoughts about discipleship that can help to bring discernment as one considers resources for discipleship.
- We desire to help equip students to live on mission with Jesus. Resources therefore should be focused on helping propel a student to live on mission with Jesus.
- We assume discipleship is a non-linear, lifelong process. As Scripture says, rejoice with those rejoice and mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:15). People have highs and lows, challenges and difficulties and these don’t present themselves in a uniform manner. If we’re in a process of becoming like Jesus, that process is less like an assembly line, and more like the cultivation of a garden. We assume that discernment is needed to consider where people are at as you share resources to encourage them in following Jesus.
- We aim to mentor people as disciples of Jesus. We seek to be people who have a positive influence, coming alongside students in their journey of following Jesus.
- We seek to gather communities that form disciples of Jesus. Discipleship is not assumed to be an entirely individual pursuit but as other followers come together, together we can spur one another to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).
- We assume we are not the only influence on a student’s life, so we work in partnership with the body of Christ to encourage students on mission with Jesus.
- We seek to choose resources that reflect our values. These resources picked by some of our staff are helpful resources for encouraging students in following Jesus. Please note that P2C does not endorse all material written or communicated on the external websites where some of these resources are found.