Michael Horner
After coming to Christ through Josh McDowell and Power to Change at the University of Calgary, Michael Horner subsequently joined P2C staff. Michael has invested over 40 years passionately presenting the case for the Christian faith and helping people understand why authentic Christianity is such “good news”. During this time he has participated in more than 80 public dialogues and hundreds of lectures on Canadian and American university campuses and beyond. His research interests are philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, philosophy of history, ethics, and the Bible. Michael is also passionate about basketball, having played the game for 53 straight years, including five years for the University of Calgary Dinosaurs! Even though his knees will no longer allow him to perform on the hardwood, he has continued to coach young men in high schools, Trinity Western University, and currently Columbia Bible College. Michael has been married to the love of his life, Phyllis, for 40 years. They have 3 grown children and 6 very cute grandchildren.
M.A. Philosophy, 1986 (University of Toronto)
Diploma, 1977 (Institute of Biblical Studies) Ft. Collins, Colorado
Education Teaching Certificate, 1974 (University of Calgary)
B.Sc. Mathematics, Psychology minor, 1973 (University of Calgary)
Teaching Experience
Instructor in Philosophy, 1996-2015 Trinity Western University, British Columbia
Instructor in Philosophy, 1998-2015 Summit Pacific College, British Columbia
Institute of Biblical Studies, Campus Crusade for Christ, Canada, Surrey, British Columbia, Graduate Course in Apologetics, 1993
Blogs and Podcasts
You can access Michael’s blog articles and podcasts here.
Misunderstandings and Objections to the Moral Argument for God
Horner vs Schieber Does the Christian God Exist?
For Secular & Christian Audiences
Two Scientific Discoveries that Point Powerfully to God – Two significant scientific discoveries in the last 100 years provide an excellent basis for two strong arguments for the existence of God.
Scientific Discoveries that Point Powerfully to God – Part 1 – A conscientious examination of the Kalam Cosmological Argument for God made famous by W. L. Craig.
Scientific Discoveries that Point Powerfully to God – Part 2 – An explanation is required for the finely-tuned conditions for intelligent life that were built into our universe right from the beginning–makes it look like we won the cosmic lottery!
Is There Any Real Right And Wrong? – Will show you how you can believe in objective moral values with confidence, and help others see that deep down they really do too; leads right into the moral argument for God’s existence.
Is One True Religion Even Possible? – Isn’t it the ultimate in arrogance to think that your religion is the only true religion?Don’t all religions just see God from different perspectives?
Can We Trust What the New Testament Tells Us About Jesus? (A 6-part series or one offs)
Textual Discrepancies: Do We Know the Original New Testament? – Has the NT been re-copied and re-translated so many times that the original is hopelessly lost to us? Will strengthen your confidence in the NT text and equip you to respond intelligently to this criticism.
Contradictions & Errors: Do We Know the Original New Testament is Historically Reliable? – Explores whether the authors’ intent was to convey historical truth. Evaluates whether the NT has errors and contradictions, as well as whether it’s untrustworthy if it does.
Legend and Bias: Do We Know the Original New Testament is Historically Reliable? – Were the writers of the NT so biased that we cannot trust what they have written? Is the Jesus we see in the NT the result of legendary embellishment that accrued as the religious thinking of the authors got carried away?
Borrowed from Pagan Myths: Do We Know the Original New Testament is Historically Reliable? – Did pagan religions provide the stories that the early NT writers used to construct a mythical Jesus? This view was propagated 100 years ago, but has been rejected by most scholars in this field.
Who Did Jesus Think He Was Anyway? – Did Jesus think he was God or were claims written back into his mouth? Will evaluate Jesus’ behaviour as a way of determining his self-understanding and the options that leaves us for his identity.
Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? – What is the best explanation for the historical data surrounding Jesus’ death, burial and appearance claims? The resurrection of Jesus is seen as God’s vindication of Jesus’ claims.
Do Suffering and Evil Prove God Does Not Exist? – Is it reasonable to deny the existence of an all-good, all-powerful God who allows suffering? Is it reasonable to personally reject an all-good, all-powerful God who allows suffering?
Has Christianity Done Any Good for the World?- Is Christianity a dangerous force for evil and would we be better of without it? Learn the real story – that Christianity’s beneficial influence on human flourishing has been nothing short of amazing!
God or No God: What Difference Does It Make?- If God does not exist, then we are all doomed to extinction. How could life be anything but absurd? If God does exist though, then there might be a point to it all.
Contact: michael.horner@p2c.com