Wesley Huff


Wesley Huff was born in Multan, Pakistan and spent a portion of his childhood in the Middle East. Wes is an an avid blogger and a contributor to the Online Apologetics Academy.  After being diagnosed with a rare neurological condition at the age of 11 that left him paralyzed from the waist down, Wes experienced a miraculous recovery that the doctors said they had no medical explanation for. This experience, along with a great deal of study and soul searching in his later teens solidified his interest in the subjects of faith, and engaging the beliefs and worldview perspectives of others. He has been participating in public dialogues on issues of faith, belief, and religion for the last seven years. He enjoys canoeing, archery, and cats (although not all three at the same time). Wes lives with his wife, Melissa, in Toronto, Ontario.


Ph.D. (current student), New Testament & Christian Origins (University of

Toronto – Wycliffe College)

M.T.S. Christian Foundations, 2016 (Tyndale University & Seminary)

B.A.  Sociology, 2014 (York University)


For Secular & Christian Audiences

A Doubter’s Guide to the Bible – The Bible is the world’s number one bestseller every year that records are kept. What is it exactly that makes this ancient collection of books so popular and why does it continue to impact people’s lives today?

Good News or Fake News: Is what we have in our Bibles what the authors wrote back then? – How can we trust our Bibles when there has been so much time between now and when the authors wrote the originals? Hasn’t the text been corrupted over all those years?

Contenders & Lost Gospels – What about the other books that talk about Jesus in the following centuries like the Gnostic and “lost” Gospels? Did any of them have a shot at making it into the Bible?

How we got the Bible & how we got the Qur’an – Looking at the textual transmissions of books that sit at the heart of the world’s two largest religions.

Man, Myth, or More?: Did Jesus really exist? – What is the evidence that Jesus was an actual historical figure?

Man, Myth, or More?” Did Jesus really die? – What is the historical case for the death of Jesus in the way that the Gospels describe?

Man, Myth, or More?: Did Jesus really rise from the dead? – The Resurrection sits at the heart of the Christian faith, can we be certain historically that it did in fact happen?

Do all religions lead to God? – Are all religions the same? Do all religions lead to God? Is it ignorant and wrong to claim that one religious perspective is in fact true?

The problem of pain, suffering, and uncertainty – This world is profoundly beautiful, yet deeply broken. If God is good then what about all the pain, suffering, and uncertainty that we encounter throughout our lives?

Uncovering Identity – We are social beings who desire and long for recognition from outside of ourselves. How do our inmost longings fit into the reality of our meaning, purpose, and destiny?

Is tolerance intolerant? – Tolerance is a word we hear a lot as a value to be upheld in modern western society. But is tolerance even a good thing?

For Christian Audiences

What’s your worldview? – How does the way we look at the world impact the way we interact with those around us? How does understanding the Christian worldview in light of others’ better help us live out the great commission?

How to talk about Jesus without sounding like an idiot– How do we navigate effective spiritual conversations and be able to defend our faith without sounding defensive?

Answering & addressing Islam – How can we better understand what Islam teaches and what Muslims believe in order to interact and impact our Muslim friends, neighbours, and colleagues?


Who is Jesus?: A (Ahmadiyya) Muslim Christian Dialogue  – A dialogue held at York University between myself and Abid Mizra, a PhD candidate at York University

Jesus’ Death: A (Ahmadiyya) Muslim Christian Dialogue – A dialogue held at the Ahmadiyya Cultural Centre at the Baitul Islam Mosque in Vaughan, Ontario


Email: wesley.huff@p2c.com

Twitter: @WesleyLHuff

Instagram: wesley_huff


A list of Wesley’s publications can be found here: wesleyhuff.com

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