The 12 Days of Power to Change

Dec 23, 2015

This Christmas season, we’ve been taking the time to shine the spotlight on each of our 11 ministries, dedicating a day to sharing about the amazing work they are doing in their chosen mission field. Thanks to God’s grace and provision, each of our ministries has had a major impact on the world over the past year and we want to celebrate that impact.


We hope that the stories we’ve shared over the past month have inspired you as well, whether it’s to share the gospel with the people around you or to partner with one of our ministries by making a donation.


When you take our 11 ministries and add our headquarters here in Langley, you get 12, which is an auspicious number at Christmas time. Don’t worry, we’re not about to start singing, but it is time for the 12 Days of P2C as we take a look back at all 12 stories that we’ve highlighted this Christmas:


Power to Change - profile-2Power to Change: We’re all here

“In 1967, we began proclaiming the gospel to students on university campuses across Canada. Today, we also work among marketplace and political leaders, athletes, families and those in need to help them meet Jesus and at the same time, equip Christians to share their faith. Together, we’re making disciples of all nations.”



Athletes in Action - profileAthletes in Action: Amir is here

“It really lifts a church like ours when a donor or another church who has the means comes in from the outside and says, ‘I want to help you do what you do better.’ It made me feel like, okay, there is someone else who is as concerned about this as I am. It made me feel like God was giving this to us through Athletes in Action.”



FamilyLife - profileFamilyLife: Love is here

“Into a two-year marriage, [one] couple says the FamilyLife Weekend Getaway saved their relationship. ‘We were on the warpath to devastation, and while we still have issues and probably always will, we can talk more openly about it.'”



Connecting Streams - profileConnecting Streams: Gladys is here

“At her first meeting, Gladys felt comfortable to share her losses; she had a sense of security, knowing that everyone there was in the same situation as she was. Out of this experience, Gladys became eager to read the Scriptures.”



Digital Strategies - profileDigital Strategies: Emily is here

“As a believer who suffers from depression, Emily has often felt different from those in her church. ‘Even though I’ve always known I wasn’t alone in this, it’s nice to see evidence of others experiencing things similar to myself. I wanted to say that what you guys are doing on this site is truly amazing.'”



profileWHEN: Sandra is here

“After the brunch, I heard God saying to me, ‘Come back. I have always been by your side even when you haven’t noticed.’ I felt I needed to restore my relationship with God, so I asked a friend if I could come back to Life Group and if I could attend church.”



DRIME - profileDRIME: Maggie is here

“As a Christian, Maggie saw herself in the drama. Before she turned to Christ, her life looked much the same. Drug abuse. Gang activities. Even attempted suicide. But by faith and reliance on the Father’s love and mighty power she was able to live a new life.”



Power to Change Students - profilePower to Change – Students: Mackenna is here

“It took seven months for Mackenna to surrender to Jesus.

But let’s start at the beginning. Mackenna, a first year physics student and professed atheist, never would have been in MacNaughton Hall one day in October if her lab hadn’t been rescheduled. There, a message caught her eye: ‘Who or what would you die for?'”



LeaderImpact - profileLeaderImpact: Darcy is here

“I want to invest my time and my heart here. LeaderImpact provides such a safe place for people like me. I can invite friends from work to our forums, which so reflect God working in the lives of top business leaders.”



Global Aid Network - profileGlobal Aid Network: Omar is here

“When GAiN provided Omar and his family with the funds to purchase a stove for their tent, the gesture was small, but the impact was felt acutely. ‘They brought heat to my children in the winter!’ Omar’s wife exclaimed with tears.”



JESUS Film Church Planting Strategy - profileJFCPS: Gaskin and Emmanuel are here

Together, Gaskin and Emmanuel have planted an average of two churches every month. They serve among those desperate for help, especially since the recent Ebola Virus outbreak in 2014 decimated entire families and communities in the region. Many are still reeling from the horror of the outbreak and are struggling to move forward, their minds still plagued by grief and despair. There is a renewed interest in the gospel and a great sense of spiritual hunger.


Christian Embassy - profileChristian Embassy: Nancy is here

When Nancy first began speaking to ambassadors and other leaders, she quietly referenced her faith. But recently she began to testify boldly about how her faith in Jesus motivated her to serve in government. She shared stories of how she faced humanly impossible challenges, and how God’s Spirit strengthened and helped her.


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About the Author

Daniel Wagner

Daniel Wagner

I am the Digital Marketing Content Specialist at Power to Change, which means I write and share things on the internet. I am passionate about Jesus and my family first and foremost, but also comic books, punk rock, movies, and hockey. I eat too much candy, drink too much cola, and watch too much TV, but I'm trying to change.