God in the workplace
What does it look like to live a life of true significance? Join a community dedicated to becoming better leaders and more effective professionals who are living lives with impact. LeaderImpact helps leaders explore their personal and professional lives through the lens of Christian faith, welcoming all who want to pursue a deeper purpose in life.
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LeaderImpact Groups connect you with like-minded professionals who are motivated to grow themselves and invest in others. These groups apply leadership principles to everyday realities, integrating questions of character and faith into professional and personal development. They’re a great place to explore your purpose, significance, and legacy.
“I have been (literally) blessed to be in a group with such knowledgeable and interesting men and women. I have been inspired to learn more about Christianity and how the Lord can be a part of my life.”
– a LeaderImpact group member
“LeaderImpact has given me direction and purpose at a much deeper, more profound level than I ever thought possible.”
– Denis Frappier, president and CEO of the Frappier Group Inc.
“I am compelled to make a greater commitment to integrity in my personal and professional life.”
– a LeaderImpact group member
Contact LeaderImpact
c/o Power To Change
30439 Great Northern Ave, Abbotsford, BC V2T 0J6
Telephone: +1.800.691.5196