Spiritual Openness on Parliament Hill

In a year of turmoil, an uncharacteristic spiritual openness emerged in our nation’s capital. Opportunities for the Christian Embassy to share the gospel of Jesus with parliamentarians, diplomats, and business professionals grew.

“Some leaders are becoming aware of their inadequacy and are looking for help. Others are humbling themselves under God’s mighty hand, being available for Him,” shares Darlene McLean, Director of the Christian Embassy.

As leaders shed their formalities, interactions became more authentic. The Christian Embassy met beyond offices to discuss the realities that deeply concerned leaders. They listened to diplomats share personal accounts of loneliness due to prolonged separation from their families.

In these sacred spaces, the Christian Embassy was privileged to offer prayer, biblical perspective, and the hope of the gospel.

“Some leaders are becoming aware of their inadequacy and are looking for help.”

One Ambassador, who doesn’t yet know Jesus, recently attended his first National Prayer Breakfast. He was deeply moved and intrigued by what he experienced. The Christian Embassy prayed with him and offered him a New Testament. He welcomed both! The Ambassador listened attentively while the team explained that many Members of Parliament read from the Bible daily, seeking wisdom for decision-making.

The Ambassador is very interested to learn more about the Christian faith. He is eager to discover answers to his biblical questions.

When our world leaders are influenced by the person and values of Jesus Christ, so are their decisions. Please join us in praying that God would continue working through the Christian Embassy, bearing fruit from the recent spiritual openness on Parliament Hill.

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