The pandemic shutdown created the perfect opportunity for a virtual DRIME experience!

Tens of thousands stop in the streets every year, captivated by a visual telling of the gospel. The moving imagery breaks down barriers. Public spaces shift into faith experiences.

The DRIME ministry tool is powerful—over 1,000 people say yes to Jesus every year! But the pandemic halted their ability to share the life-changing message of Jesus in the streets.

“The team, already looking for ways to engage in the digital space, knew they could fill the void.”

The team, already looking for ways to engage in the digital space, knew they could fill the void. The pandemic shutdown became the perfect opportunity to pursue a virtual DRIME experience!

‘Redemption’ is the first of many creative presentations going digital. Viewers are captivated by the gospel online just like they are in person—watch times are already 59% longer than average! We’re excited to see how this innovative tool continues reaching people who might never step into a church or towards Jesus.

Help change a life forever—watch and share the beautiful story of ‘Redemption’!

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30439 Great Northern Ave,
Abbotsford, BC V2T 0J6
Charity Number: 118827849RR0001 Regional Offices
