When God’s people partner together, communities experience restoration.

“I’ve experienced what true partnership is with this organization.” Pascal leads Carrefour Church in Sherbrooke, Quebec. Last summer, his church partnered with Convergence Quebec to host their first-ever sports camp.

Convergence believes that when God’s people partner together, communities experience restoration. As a new initiative for our Quebec ministries, Convergence created its first French sports camps, partnering with churches in Quebec. Convergence became a bridge between their church partners and the communities they serve. Carrefour Church in Sherbrooke is just one community impacted by the new collaboration.

Pascal says they were nervous about running a camp because they lacked the tools and expertise. The Convergence team reached out, offering to put the camp together through their Athletes in Action initiative. “They came alongside us to meet the needs of our community and the needs and reality of our church.”

“The number of believers in Quebec is low so sharing the gospel each day helped the church reach families curious about God.”

Including a spiritual component in the camp was essential. The number of believers in Quebec is low so sharing the gospel each day helped the church reach families curious about God. In the end, one-third of Carrefour’s campers were non-believers!

Convergence helped churches minister to 100 children throughout its summer camps. Many parents met pastors while dropping off their children. Convergence heard daily reports of campers praying before bed and inviting Jesus to become their friend!

The summer sports camps were so successful that Convergence plans to host them again. Watch Pascal share the full story of how the camp collaboration brought life to his church and community!

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30439 Great Northern Ave,
Abbotsford, BC V2T 0J6
Charity Number: 118827849RR0001 Regional Offices
